The things that make Brady laugh are always random, but when he laughs, you gotta just keep doing whatever made him laugh, cause he doesn't laugh at much. Anyway I don't think I've ever heard him laugh this hard. Thanks for giving Brady the bowling set for Christmas Aunt Wendy:)
December 31, 2009
December 23, 2009
Homemade Stockings
December 21, 2009
Happy Hollidays

December 18, 2009
November 05, 2009
Crawling Brady Tornado
November 02, 2009
Pumpkin Carving CHAMPION!
Ward Halloween Party-Worm eating contest!
Five Gummy Worms in chocolate/oreo pudding. The first one to find all five, pass them to thier partner and they have to eat them -WINS! There was so much pudding I couldn't keep track of how many worms I had in my mouth, especially after chewing them up and Robert was passing me two at a time! We almost got first place, but I guess we got second place by a hair!
The guys next to us...were just friends, the guy dressed as Shrek, his wife wouldn't do it with him, so his friend did, and obviously they didn't want to pass the worms from mouth to mouth, so he had to take them out of his mouth and give it to the other guy to eat, it was funny cause they were so sicked out by it, ha ha!
Happy Halloween!
October 31, 2009
Brady's Portraits 9 months

October 21, 2009
Brady is crawling
Brady crawled for the first time on Sunday October 18th! It was so exciting cause he's been working on it now for a few weeks! Now he is crawling all over and its time to Baby proof!
October 13, 2009
I LOVE being a MOM!
Ok so all my life I have always heard mom's say "I Love being a mom", "Being a mom is the best!", "There is nothing better than motherhood." etc. So now I am a mom and sometimes people ask me how mother hood is. I am working on optimism but I also consider myself a 'realist' rather than pessimistic. I don't usually sugar coat things, I tell it like it is.
So what I usually say when asked this question is, "..Uh...It's good," and proceed to talk about the challenges of my new life as a stay-at-home-mom. You mom's probably know what challenges I'm talking about: changing diapers and feeding all day; milk stains on all your shirts; nothing fits unless you are fortunate enough to fit into your pre-preggie clothes; showers....maybe and if so never before noon; personal time...pretty slim; hobbies...they went from rock climbing and backpacking to sewing and bread making or anything you can do during nap time; don't need an alarm clock anymore cause your kid(s) do a great job;'re lucky if you can get a babysitter for a couple hours; sex....let's just say things have changed, especially your body; and your social life...mommy groups if your lucky.
Like I said I'm a realist right.
Ok so if I were better at optimism I'd say, "Being a mom is the best and most rewarding job on earth!" It's so exciting watching your kid(s) grow and learn and develop; there is nothing better than making them laugh; you get to dress them in such cute clothes (even though they end up with all sorts of bodily fluids on them); greeting them in the morning is the best cause you both actually miss each other; they are SO cute and you love them like crazy; you feel so great serving someone all day every day other than yourself...let's just say it helps keep you humble; and one day when the kid(s) are older and can verbally say how much they love you and how grateful they are for you...then... it will have been all worth it.
I'll keep trying to be more optimistic:)
September 22, 2009
My first time Canning!
September 13, 2009
Last visit to Grandma Lucy's before we moved
Lake Roosevelt trip
September 07, 2009
Hold on to your life jacket!
This is a video from our ward campout at Lake Roosevelt. We rode down the river like over an hour on Bro. Tree's party boat to these cliffs and everyone and their dog was throwing themselves off of it. I thought they were all crazy, at least I didn't wanna do it. I jumped off the little one to the left:) Robert got up there and got all the way on the ledge balancing by holding on to Taylor's hand:) He didn't think about hitting the water straight like a pencil, all he kept thinking was, "Just hold on to your life jacket!" But he did it and made the BIGGEST SPLASH! Good job Rob:)