Before crawling = Brady sitting nicely playing with his toys;
everything contained on his play blanket.
Five Gummy Worms in chocolate/oreo pudding. The first one to find all five, pass them to thier partner and they have to eat them -WINS! There was so much pudding I couldn't keep track of how many worms I had in my mouth, especially after chewing them up and Robert was passing me two at a time! We almost got first place, but I guess we got second place by a hair!
The guys next to us...were just friends, the guy dressed as Shrek, his wife wouldn't do it with him, so his friend did, and obviously they didn't want to pass the worms from mouth to mouth, so he had to take them out of his mouth and give it to the other guy to eat, it was funny cause they were so sicked out by it, ha ha!