December 30, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
November 11, 2011
Potter Halloween 2011: Snowman
October 22, 2011
Miniature Golf Tournament: Robert vs. Megan
Here is a picture of Robert after getting a hole in one. I couldn't believe it. That's not the only hole in one that was made! In the end we both got 5 holes in one total. Robert is really good. And all this miniature golfing has actually helped Robert's short game on the real corse:) But I have been practicing a lot too. Lots of days while Robert is at work, Brady and I go golfing. But the true winner of the 2011 Trafalga Orem and Lehi Miniature Golf Tournament is......

October 20, 2011
More quilting.....Hot Pot holders!
October 15, 2011
Brady's Whirlygig quilt
October 13, 2011
Improvisational Quilt
July 31, 2011
June 01, 2011
May 05, 2011
When is your Half Birthday?
So there you go. If you wanna celebrate with me on Sept. 20th, it will be a party!! When is YOUR 1/2 birthday? What is the appropriate way to cellebrate 1/2 birthdays?? I like how Lydia did it, ate 1/2 a cake...maybe you just do a halfsies theme. On my mission at my half way mark, I ate 1/2 a pizza;) How should it be done??
April 04, 2011
Home-made Cinnabon anyone?
- 2 pkg. active dry yeast (or 2 Tb.)
- 2 C. warm water
- 1/3 C. Granulated sugar
- 1/3 C. Vegetable oil
- 3 beaten eggs
- 1 tsp. Salt
- 7 to 7 1/2 C. All purpose flour
- Tb. Dough enhancer (opt. but it makes the dough better!!)
- 1 Tb. Vital Wheat Gluten (also opt. but makes dough better!!)
- 1/2 C. Butter, softened (add a little more if you want for flavor and carmelization:))
- 1 C. Packed brown sugar (add a little more if you want for flavor and carmelization:))
- 2 tsp. ground cinnamon (add a little more if you want for flavor:))
- 1/2-1 C. Chopped walnuts or pecans (opt. but sure makes em yummy!)
- 1/2 C. Butter
- 1/2 C. Butter-flavored Shortening
- 8 oz. Cream cheese
- 1 tsp. Lemon juice
- 1 tsp. Vanilla
- 1-2 Tb. Milk
- 4 C. Powdered Sugar
March 21, 2011
A lot happens in March!

February 21, 2011
Ok so you start out with a Paella pan or very large skillet (preferably something oven safe with a lid.)
You can use whatever meat you want really. Traditionally paella uses a lot of shellfish, and also might use chorizo, chicken, rabbit, etc. whatever you want, throw it in! So I decided to use shrimp and chicken. Traditionally it also uses roasted red jarred peppers, peas, saffron, onion, garlic, bay leaf, rice, lemon, chicken stock or seafood stock, tomato, and olive oil. I used fresh green and red peppers, and chicken stock with all the other stuff.
Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Hence the reason why I was so nervous to make this dish. I didn't want to mess it up! You can usually find it at most grocerie store, but some stores might not carry it. Shop around and use a coupon if you can to purchase it for the best price. I bought it at Sunflower market for about $7.50 for .01 oz or .3 grams, about 2 pinches or a teaspoon. So yeah.
Ok so here's the ingredients I used:
- 2-3 Tb. Olive oil
- 2-3 Chicken Breasts (boneless skinless cut into chunks) a lot of recipies I noticed used chicken legs and thighs with bones and skin on and cooked it whole.
- 4 Garlic cloves, minced
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 yellow onion, diced
- 1 green pepper, cut in strips
- 1 red pepper, cut in strips (use jarred roasted red peppers if you can)
- 1 tomato peeled, seeded, and chopped (I didn't peel mine)
- 1 pinch of saffron (of the .01 oz I bought, I used half so I could make it again.)
- 1 tsp. Salt
- Fresh ground black pepper, to taste
- 10 oz or 1 1/2 C. uncooked Valencia or other short grain rice. I used Basmati, but I think it's better to use Arborio.
- 20 oz. or 3 1/2 C. of Chicken stock ( I just disolved a few chicken boullion cubes in water and simmered it till disolved. then in a cup to the side i disolved the saffron threads in about 1 C. of the stock. for a few minutes.)
- 2 C. Shrimp ( I used uncooked med. shrimp unpeeled, but it would be easier to eat if they were pre-peeled.)
- 1 C. green peas
- 1 lemon cut into wedges for garnish. (After rinsing the shrimp I used part of the lemon and just squeezed it over the shrimp to give them a quick marinade before adding them to the paella.)
Preheat your oven to 350 F. So first heat the olive oil in your paella pan on med-hi for a couple minutes then add chicken and saute till golden. Then add onion, garlic, bay leaf, and green pepper. Saute till onions are transparent. Add the 1 C. of chicken stock with saffron dissolved in it (most recipes use white wine to deglaze, but of course i didn't have any so i used an extra cup of stock). Also add tomato, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil for a few minutes. Then add rice, the rest of the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Add your seafood (clams, mussles, squid, octopus, fish or whatever you want. I only used shrimp), and if your peas are frozen, add them now. Cover the paella and bake in pre-heated oven for 20 min. If you don't have an oven safe pan, you can just finish it off by letting it simmer for 20 min covered on the stove.
And that's it! Just make sure your rice is cooked, and your shrimp are pink (if they were uncooked). And enjoy with a Bara de pan or baguette if you can get one!
I know it sounds complicated, but it's really pretty easy. You can do it! And you house will smell like Spain!
February 16, 2011
February 15, 2011
2010 Year Review
- Brady learned tons of Sign language, up to 60 words!
- Brady turned 1 at the beginning of the year and we had two big parties for him!
- Brady completed the Mom and Tot swim lessons class in the Spring.
- Robert took a Physiology class throught BYU and got an A!
- Brady learned how to walk in March.
- Robert took the DAT prep class at BYU, and retook the DAT and got 2 pts. better!
- Robert re-applied for Dental school...and we're still waiting for the good news.
- For spring break we went with Robert's Sister Wendy and husband Lance to visit their brother Jeff in Southern California. We spent Easter with them; watched general conference; went to the beach; had lots of parties; and went horse-back riding!
- I sanded and refinished an coffee table Robert found me for free.
- I made a book of my mission in Spain on Heritage Makers.
- I made an ABC book of Brady's first year on Heritage Makers.
- I had lots of adventures in the kitchen including learning how to bake without wheat or dairy.
- I also had lots of adventures in sewing and crafting including our Halloween costumes, making a wreath out of coffee filters, and a wreath of white felt roses.
- We attended the temple each month and managed to attend all these temples: Provo UT, Mt. Timpanogas UT, Jordan River UT, Bountiful UT, Rexburg ID, and Newport Beach CA. We also went to but didn't go inside the St. George UT temple, and Salt Lake City temple.
- We went to Phoenix AZ so Robert could visit 2 dental schools. I visited Anasazi and we also visited with Roberts mission friends.
- We went to the Grand Canyon for the first time.
- We went camping and hiking in American Fork Canyon.
- We won our Ward Halloween Costume Contest (see Halloween Post).
- My brother Phillip got married in the Rexburg Temple and we attended their sealing and receptions in December.
- And we spent the New Year with my family in Spokane. They flew Brady and I up for the week and we had lots of fun! Mostly Brady and cousin Dylan played and had a ball together!
Well it was a fun and eventful year! Here are my New Years Resolutions for this coming year that I have already started:
- Loose 20 lbs. (doing the Jillian Michaels shred, p90x, and counting callories)
- Read scriptures daily and study manual
- Pray every morning before I read my scriptures
- Learn to read patterns (for sewing)
- Make a new temple dress for myself
- Read the bible in my spare time
- and...later on this year, after the go-ahead from the husband...get pregnant:)
That's all folks. I'll let you know how it goes. So far, I suck at sticking to my alloted calories. It's way hard not to eat what I want. Jillian Michaels kicks my but, but I think its working. And my scripture studing is going great- it's so much better to study with a manual!
It's a NEW YEAR! Yeah for New Beginnings!