So I've realized I haven't put any preggie pictures on our blog yet. Sorry about that. So here is the last three months update. This first pic is at 17 weeks taken on Jan. 16, 2012, this is when I finally started feeling like I looked pregnant:)

22 Weeks taken 2/22/12 Just after we found out its a BOY.

And the latest: 6 1/2 months or 26 weeks, taken today 3/20/12. Starting to feel fat. Bought heartburn medicine today. Got a couple leg cramps last night in the middle of the night, and went bowling yesterday and afterwards regretted it with a sore back. I've also been going to the chiropractor for the last few weeks now which is helping with my back. Prenatal Yoga is great, when I do it:) And this baby is very active with lots of kicks, twists, and flips all day long, its fun to feel, but I'm getting a little worried, as you know I already have one very 'active' boy. Please pray for me:)

So I guess that about sums up my 2nd trimester:) It's been great actually, as 2nd trimesters are. I'm just praying this baby wants to stay inside me for the full 3rd trimester. So far my blood pressure has been great, and I haven't noticed any unusual swelling lately indicative of Pre-eclampsia. My doctor is having me take Vitamin D, and Calcium supplements as well as a childrens asprin, all of which supposedly could help prevent Pre-eclampsia. So far so good. I have also bought the Hypnobirthing book and loving it, hoping I can have a natural, relaxing birth. So again wish me luck and pray for me:)