Here is a random update of what we've been up to. I uploaded these pics from my phone (1st timer) so they are out of order for some reason, but oh well.
This is a pic of the baby quilt I'm making for the one still yet to emerge from my tummy. Next I'm gonna attempt a car seat canopy, and then a baby wrap.
This is one I'm making for my sister in law, Wendy for the baby in her tummy, ready to come in the next couple of weeks. (we had a race to see who could get pregnant first, and she one. Due about 1 month before me:)) We picked out the fabric together and I'm making it for her. The green/brown/black combo is her new gender neutral color scheme since her little girl and boy will be sharing a room- she has to paint over all the pink:)

My car. The Red Rocket. My awesome brother Carson gave it to me as a Returned Missionary present, and so I've had it since 2007 and loved it ever since, but it was just time to let it go. I sold it yesterday...and we will trade it for a scooter that my husband can use for work/school. Good bye my beloved Red Rocket! And there is Brady posing for me.

This is a little quilt I made for my cousin Mike's baby Girl, its so SOFT on the back, I just loved it. All blankets should be so softy. (this was my first baby quilt-hence the lack of pattern)

This is the back of the quilt from my first pic of the one I'm making for my baby. How the order of these pics got mixed up, I have NO idea.

And the binding....HAND sewn on thank you very much. My first time doing the binding the real deal right way, turned out great.

And a pic of Brady in his swimming lessons, he's the one floating on his back with his teacher holding him. He loves swim lessons! We are starting the next class this week.

And a pic of me and Brady after selling my car with the license plates (we never got rid of the Washington plates:) and my baby bump.

Dear Technology Gods,
how in the world did my pics get SO mixed up and out of order? I'm not even gonna try to attempt to fix this since they will likely get mixed up again. Thanks for making it tough on all my readers/followers who hopefully won't be so confused. And thank you also for totally messing up my picture quality and making these cute pics so grainy. Thanks Blogger App, you're the best.
So anyway that's a bit about what we've been up to. I really should be reading my Hypnobirthing book when I have any spare time- i.e. when my son actually decides to take a nap like twice a week, but sewing and quilting are just more fun! But I need to get it all done before the baby comes, so....hopefully hypnobirthing will go well (fingers crossed-since I'm foregoing the class).