What wonderful Holidays we had! I hope yours were as Merry and Bright as ours. Here is our Christmas Card:

We made Gingerbread houses! Here is Brady proudly standing by his:
Me by my SWEET Gingerbread house:
Brady and Catcher on Christmas Eve in their new matching jammies:)
The day after Christmas we went to the Children's museum for free:)
And Robert visited his family in Washington for a few days and for the New Year. Their tradition is going to the Spokane/TriCities hockey game on New Years Eve. I guess he wasn't cold enough already being in Washington (cold!) and at a hockey game, he also wanted a snowcone! His awesome nephew and niece, Justin & Joy:
I won't bore you with Christmas day videos, we filmed almost all day. Brady got a new Hot Wheels race track which he loves! and some other fun things. Robert returned the gifts I got him (I should learn by now). And he got me a nice set of new white dishes:) I guess I'll still have to save up for that Vitamix I wanted:) We missed Robert on New Years Eve, but Brady, Catcher and I celebrated with some Little Caesars and noise makers at 6 pm:) They were so cute!! I put them to bed at their normal bedtime, and then had some mommy time till 3am, WHAT?! Seriously I don't know why?! Why didn't I go to bed at 11pm or something? I talked to Robert on the phone at midnight his time, then he called me an hour later at my midnight...then I stayed up writing my new years resolutions and making a vision board for 2013! Robert got about 2 hours of sleep, woke up bright and early and flew home on New Years day, and needless to say, we have spent the last few days catching up on sleep. Sheesh. But we are happy to be together again, and enjoying the rest of Robert's Christmas break from school.
I hope you all had a fun and safe new years! What are your New Years Resolutions?