Robert and Brady on his birthday after eating his Birthday cake:)

Brady's homemade birthday cake; this was the most complicated recipe I've ever made. It involved boiling carrots in apple juice concentrate and pureeing with craisins etc. Some of the other ingredients were...2 eggs and 4 egg whites, applesauce, apple juice concentrate, wheat germ, wheat flour, and pureed cream cheese, apple juice and craisins for the frosting and geletin. WOW. This cake probably took me 2 hours to make, it was crazy. But it was good, and healthy for Brady and he loved it. It was also his dinner:)

Here is Brady eating his First Birthday cake:
For a last minute birthday party this one sure turned out good! Some of our friends came over to celebrate with us and brought a couple presents for Brady. We had a great time and thanks to all of you who came over on last minute notice. We are having a family Birthady party for Brady in Salt Lake City on Friday, which has been planned for a while. Brady is so popular he has to have two birthday parties! Happy First Birthday Brady!
He is so big! I can't believe he is 1 already! Happy birthday Brady!!